
This is a great place to find employment opportunities and classes to help your employability specific to your community/county.
Offers both pre-apprenticeship and apprenticeship programs in South King County
For people in the Tacoma/South Sound region, Goodwill has several job training programs that help prepare people for their next career.
Millionair Club Charity is a Temporary Staffing Agency that connects people experiencing homelessness and poverty in the Greater Seattle area with dignified jobs and support services. A great option for short-term employment opportunities
Pioneer’s job-readiness training program, Roadmap to Success, is a three-week course that students attend five days a week. Individuals learn the needed skills to find and retain employment. The course focuses on overcoming barriers to employment through cognitive thinking transformation, soft-skills development, professional communication, conflict resolution, time management, job search techniques, targeted resume building, interviewing techniques, handling different management styles and computer skills.

Our Adult Culinary program will provide you with the tools, training and support you need to get a long term, good paying job. A 16-week foodservice training program.

DSHS:Basic Food Employment & Training (BFET)

Basic Food Employment and Training (BFET) program provides employment readiness opportunities to Basic Food (SNAP) recipients who are not participating in the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families.